Open Letter to all Women

Hi ladies! As you, undoubtedly, know we are approaching Mother’s Day this weekend. Many of you are preparing to spend time with your Mom or, perhaps, looking forward to being spoiled by your kids (it is, after all, your day!). Among you, though, is another group of ladies. For them Mother’s Day is extremely difficult. I’m referring to those who have never had the joy of being a mother themselves. Whether they haven’t been able to conceive or, perhaps, they had the hope but lost their child. This is a very hard weekend for them. It’s actually to those ladies I’d like to direct my thoughts.

Now, before you write me off just because I’m a man, please bear with me. I admit it – I am a man and don’t know what it is like to be a woman. I don’t think, look, act or feel like one (my wife and I agree that that is a good thing!). I am, however, a pastor and that has afforded me experiences with people in all facets of life. I have rejoiced with young couples as they found out they were going to be parents for the first time and I have wept with and held them when their pregnancy tragically ended. I’ve dedicated newborns and celebrated birthdays and other milestones, and I’ve stood at the gravesides of infants and toddlers searching for words by which to bring comfort. I have prayed with those unable to conceive and laughed with those who, thinking they are ‘past that time’, found out they are about to add another member to their family. Life is strange that way. And difficult. And, yes, unfair.

Let me share a few thoughts now: (1) It’s not you. Or your fault. We don’t live in the garden of Eden we live in a fallen world and, unfortunately, pain, struggle and frustration is part of our reality. (2) I’ve learned that when we don’t know ‘WHY’ we can make it if we know ‘WHO’. The Apostle Paul wrote to his friend Timothy “I know whom I have believed…” (2 Tim 1:12 NIV).  And finally, (3) There is real power in applying scripture to our life. “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” (Romans 12:15 NIV)

That said – I know that while most churches around the country are probably preparing some way of recognizing, honoring and blessing mothers there are several ladies who will be avoiding church altogether this weekend because it’s just too hard. If that’s you, can I challenge/encourage you to rethink your plans and go ahead and be in church? It just may be that in rejoicing “…with those who rejoice…” you will find comfort and healing!