How’s Your “Friends” List?

So, in my devotions this morning, I was reading about Samson (Judges 13-16). I’m sure most have read the story – or at least heard it. If nothing else I’m sure most at least have heard the names ‘Samson’ & ‘Delilah’ – it is, after all, one of the more popular Sunday School stories ranking up there with “David & Goliath”, “Noah’s Ark” and “Joseph’s coat of many colors”.

Anyway more to the point – I have no idea how many times I’ve read this story but today something new jumped out at me. Samson had some great things going for him: miraculous birth (13:3), a great calling (purpose) in life (“…the boy is to be…set apart to God…and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistines.”). He had some weaknesses – mostly Philistine women (they must’ve been some real lookers!?) – but his sense of conviction, or uncompromising commitment to his calling, was also pretty weak.

What I noticed today, though, is something that is decidedly missing from the narrative: Friends. As strong as he was, as popular as he was with the ladies, there is absolutely no mention of him having any friends!

How sad. His own countrymen would sell him out (15:11-13), his girlfriends were none too loyal. His Father-in-law gave his wife to someone else while he was gone (15:1-3 The NIV does use the term ‘friend’ with this guy who was the ‘best man’ but he doesn’t really measure up as much of a friend, does he?)

I wonder if Samson’s story would’ve ended differently had he had some friends? Maybe, even, just one good one?
Did you ever notice that the first time – only time – in the creation account (Gen 1&2) that God says something isn’t good is in reference to the man (Adam) being alone? (Gen 2:18) We were created for relationship! First and foremost with God but don’t ever underestimate the power, blessing and necessity of (good) friends…even if it’s just one!

A good friend is going to be there to help you make decisions, help bring you back to your senses, keep you on the right track, etc. Make no mistake – peer pressure was God’s idea from the start. We get in trouble when we try to run around as some kind of ‘Lone Ranger’ – speaking of the Lone Ranger, even he had a friend in Tonto!

Yeah, I think things might’ve been a little different if Samson had had some good friends. How about you? How’s your ‘friends list’?

Pastor Brandon